Psalm 119:9

Psalm 119:9 - How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm Alive...and God is Good

Yes folks, I'm back. I got sick Monday night, stayed in bed all day Tuesday, and recouped Wednesday.
And I do believe that along with my energy, the "horrible bug" robbed me of my blogger brains, hence
the long break. B) Oh, and yes, God is good! 
  And that just made me think, what should we do with that? First, it must drive us to the cross! God is
good(perfect), and "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God", says Romans 3:23. In other words,
we ain't it. We completely and utterly fail, and in doing so fall under just condemnation! The only one to whom we can turn for help is Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:11-12John 14:6)
  Second, it should cause us to praise Him always, for our God is not like men, that He should deal falsely
with us, and He always rules over His people with mercy and grace. (Deuteronomy 7:9, 32:4, Psalm 86:15)
  Third, it ought to spur us to always examine our lives and our hearts, to look in the mirror of His word
and see what we lack, to then seek after it with prayer and faith, and to say with the psalmist; "Lead me in
the path of your commandments, for I delight in it." We should be continually seeking to reform our lives
according to God's word, and to "pursue righteousness". (Proverbs 21:21, Psalm 119:33-35, Matthew 6:33)

Well, that's all I've got for now, so until next time, semper reformandum, people!

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