Psalm 119:9

Psalm 119:9 - How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sola Scriptura Sunday?

I thought I'd join the ranks, and offer my own rhymey-whymey weekly post! As you can guess, it's a simple
affair; I pick a verse during the week, write about it, and post it on Sunday. After all, what better day to post
about scripture on than the Lord's Day?

Anyway, here's a sample:

John 1:5 - "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Later in this chapter, it is made clear that "the light" is Christ Himself (v. 9-13). As soon as I realized that, this
verse became very interesting indeed. Of course, this can be a reference to His final victory over sin and death in His sacrifice and resurrection, but I believe there is a different, but related, application here.
Sometimes we Christians may have the question put to us, "What do you do with the problem of evil?", or
something along those lines. I daresay that herein lies a good answer, for indeed, there is great darkness in
this world, but the Light, which is Christ, has already defeated the prince of darkness, and where Christ is, the darkness can never overcome. Oh, the darkness may creep in and try to swallow us up, but in Christ's
name, and by His blood, we have a sure defense! Let us all cling to Him in all things, for He shines in the
darkness, and the darkness will never overcome Him!

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