Psalm 119:9

Psalm 119:9 - How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We're Back

Yes, we survived the trip! And it was a good one, with lots of good food and fellowship. The memorial service
went very well, with an excellent sermon by our cousin Mark, who is a pastor up in St. Louis. The whole event
was a fitting tribute to a woman who loved and served God.
  This has been just a quick post to say that everything's peachy, God is good, and I am tired.  B)


  1. Glad to hear all went well and that y'all made it back safe and sound!

  2. Welcome home! How did the music go? Been prayin' for you all weekend. Mrs. B

  3. Thanks! The music went very well, and multiple people said so as they expressed their thanks.

